03/05/06 Moon Mosaic (Click for hi-res version)
18/04/05 Moon Mosaic (Click for hi-res version)
18/04/05 Copernicus & Eratosthenes
Copernicus measures 60 miles in diameter while Eratosthenes sits at the southern tip of the Appennie Mountain range.
(Click for hi-res version)
18/04/05 Straight Wall Region
Sitting towards the shoreline in Mare Nubium, the Sea of Clouds, this 75 mile long, 1,200 foot sheer cliff
looks like an incision in the surface of the Moon. The small crator, Birt, sits just to the left of it.
(Click for hi-res version)
18/04/05 Straight Wall Region
Toucam Pro II 31 Stacked Images ~600x
18/04/05 Clavius Region
132 mile wide by 152 mile long crator. Crator Portor lies within its northen rim.
(Click for hi-res version)
28/11/04 - 64 Stacked Frames JVC GR-D31 DV Camcorder 25mm (~48x)
28/11/04 - 50 Stacked Frames JVC GR-D31 DV Camcorder 25mm (~96x)
28/11/04 - 7 Stacked Frames JVC GR-D31 DV Camcorder 25mm (~96x)
28/11/04 - JVC GR-D31 DV Camcorder 25mm (~96x)
28/11/04 - 10 Stacked Frames JVC GR-D31 DV Camcorder 25mm (~96x)
28/11/04 - Stitched Version using iMerge (~96x)
First Attempt March 2004 - Sanyo Camcorder
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